About Us

FIH Consultancy: Transforming Businesses with AI-Powered Solutions

In the heart of a competitive digital landscape, a vision emerged: to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to equip businesses with smarter, faster, and more efficient solutions. That’s how FIH Consultancy was born, driven by a passionate team of AI developers, strategists, and consultants who believed in the transformative potential of this technology.

We started by tackling specific industry challenges, developing AI-powered tools that streamlined processes and boosted results. As our solutions proved their worth, our client base grew, encompassing diverse industries and fueling our ambition to offer a wider range of services. Today, FIH Consultancy stands as a trusted partner for companies seeking to unlock the full potential of AI and gain a competitive edge.

Our values


No smoke and mirrors here. We believe in being genuine in dealing with all our clients. We’ll say what we’ll do, and then do what we say.


We prioritize honesty and integrity, always striving to build relationships rooted in trust. We understand that trust is earned by consistently upholding our uncompromising standards.


We believe that being an expert should not mean sounding complicated. We are straightforward with our approach, always doing our best to simplify what’s seemingly complex.


Being in the digital marketing space, data is a given. But we aren’t just talking about having access to reports on certain metrics. We ensure each campaign translates into real business growth.

More Than Solutions, We Are Partners

Navigating the Future Together

FIH Consultancy is not just a solution provider; we are your trusted partner on the journey of digital transformation. We collaborate closely with our clients, understanding their unique needs and challenges to tailor AI solutions that seamlessly integrate with their existing infrastructure and drive sustainable growth.

Our Clients


Meet the FIH's revenue revolutionaries

Credentials & recognition:


Irtaza Ahmad (Co-Founder) as requested by Sadapay team

What our happy customers are saying

5000+ Client reviews