My Skin Spa Clinic

How We Helped them Increase Bookings

Looking to enhance their online presence and boost their SEO performance, MY SKIN SPA CLINIC enlisted the help of FIH Consultancy. Our team worked closely with this top-tier B2B brand to develop and implement a comprehensive online strategy, resulting in significant revenue growth.

About My Skin Spa Clinic

My Skin Spa Clinic is a boutique spa located in UK specializing in advanced skin care treatments and personalized beauty services. Owned and operated by the renowned aesthetician, Simone Randhawa, My Skin Spa Clinic prides itself on its commitment to client satisfaction, offering results-oriented treatments in a luxurious and relaxing environment.

The challenge

While My Skin Spa Clinic boasted a loyal clientele, they faced difficulty attracting new clients and keeping their appointment books consistently full. Their existing website lacked search engine optimization (SEO), limiting online visibility. Additionally, their social media presence was inconsistent, and lead-generation strategies were minimal. This resulted in a stagnant client base and limited growth potential.

Services Used:

Business impact

Since partnering with FIH, My Skin Spa Clinic has witnessed a significant surge in organic search traffic to their website, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased contact form submissions. By relying on our expertise and insights, My Skin Spa Clinic has been able to optimize their marketing spend and generate exceptional results. Within a 3-month timeframe, the collaborative efforts between FIH Consultancy and My Skin Spa Clinic yielded significant results:

40% Increase in Online Bookings:

Through a combination of SEO optimization, social media marketing, and lead generation strategies, My Skin Spa Clinic saw a remarkable 30% growth in online appointment bookings.

Enhanced Brand Awareness:

Social media engagement increased significantly, with a notable rise in followers and brand mentions online.

Improved Website Traffic:

Website traffic increased by 25%, indicating a significant improvement in online visibility and attracting a wider audience.

Increased Client Base:

My Skin Spa Clinic successfully expanded their client base by attracting new customers through targeted online marketing efforts.


Increase in Online Bookings


Improved Website Traffic


Increase new users from organic traffic

FIH Consultancy's Solution:

FIH Consultancy partnered with My Skin Spa Clinic to develop and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy focused on increasing brand awareness, lead generation, and ultimately, bookings. Our approach included:

  • SEO Optimization: We conducted thorough keyword research and optimized My Skin Spa Clinic’s website content, meta descriptions, and title tags for relevant search terms.
  • Social Media Marketing: We developed a consistent social media strategy across platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This included creating high-quality content showcasing spa treatments, client testimonials, and special promotions. Targeted social media advertising campaigns were launched to reach new audiences interested in skincare services.
  • Website Optimization: We analyzed user behavior and website traffic data to improve website navigation, user experience (UX), and mobile responsiveness. This ensured a seamless online experience for potential clients.
  • Lead Generation: We implemented lead capture forms on the website and landing pages offering valuable resources like downloadable skincare guides or free consultations. Targeted email marketing campaigns were launched to nurture leads and encourage appointment bookings.

“Partnering with FIH Consultancy has been instrumental in the growth of My Skin Spa Clinic. Their expertise in SEO, social media marketing, and website optimization has helped us reach a wider audience and attract new clients. We’ve seen a significant increase in online bookings and brand awareness. We’re confident that with FIH Consultancy’s ongoing support, My Skin Spa Clinic will continue to thrive in the competitive beauty industry.” – Simone Randhawa, Owner, My Skin Spa Clinic.”

For My Skin Spa Clinic, we put together a robust digital strategy that includes:

+40 %

Increase in Online Bookings

25 %

Increase in organic sessions

131 %

Increase in organic contact form submissions

Start driving SEO results with FIH Consultancy