Naml Dispatch

increase in qualified Leads

Looking to enhance their online presence and boost their SEO performance, NAML Dispatch enlisted the help of FIH Consultancy. Our team worked closely with this top-tier B2B brand to develop and implement a comprehensive online strategy, resulting in significant revenue growth.

About Naml Dispatch

NAML Dispatch is a leading truck dispatching company in North America, connecting shippers with reliable carriers for efficient freight transportation. Prior to partnering with FIH Consultancy, NAML Dispatch sought to strengthen their online presence and attract a wider pool of qualified carriers to their network.

The challenge

NAML Dispatch’s existing website lacked a clear brand identity and user-friendly interface. It didn’t effectively showcase their services and benefits for potential carrier partners. Additionally, they lacked a strategic online marketing approach to attract new carriers and expand their network across North America.

Services Used:

Business impact

40% Increase in Website Traffic

Within the first 3 months of launching the new website and PPC campaigns, NAML Dispatch experienced a 40% increase in website traffic. This indicates a significant improvement in online visibility and brand awareness within the trucking industry.

25% Growth in Carrier Network

 The targeted PPC campaigns and lead generation strategies resulted in a 25% increase in qualified carriers joining the NAML Dispatch network. This expansion strengthens their service offerings and network reach across North America.

Improved Online Reputation and Trust

With a user-friendly website and clear communication of services, NAML Dispatch established a more trustworthy online presence, attracting reliable carriers to their network.


Organic transactions increased


Organic conversion rate improved


Increase new users from organic traffic

FIH Consultancy Solutions

  • Brand Identity & Guidelines Development: We established a professional and trustworthy brand identity for NAML Dispatch. This included logo design, brand colors, typography, and messaging guidelines that resonated with truck drivers and carrier businesses.
  • Website Development: We designed and developed a user-friendly and mobile-responsive website highlighting NAML Dispatch’s services, benefits for carriers, and network reach across North America. The website featured a clear call to action for carriers to join their network.
  • Paid Search Marketing (PPC): We developed targeted PPC campaigns across platforms like Google Ads and industry-specific trucking websites. These campaigns focused on keywords relevant to truck dispatch services, attracting qualified carriers actively searching for dispatch partners.
  • Lead Generation: We implemented lead generation strategies through website forms and landing pages tailored to convert website visitors into registered carriers on the NAML Dispatch network.

“FIH Consultancy’s understanding of the trucking industry and online marketing strategies has been a game-changer for NAML Dispatch. The new website effectively attracts carriers, and the targeted marketing campaigns have significantly expanded our network. We’re confident that with FIH’s continued support, we’ll continue to streamline our operations and connect with more reliable carriers across North America.” – [Haseeb Younas Kaini, CEO, NAML Dispatch]

For NAML Dispatch, we put together a robust digital strategy that includes:

+40 %


236 %

Increase in organic sessions

131 %

Increase in organic contact form submissions

Start driving SEO results with FIH Consultancy